War Robots


Duyern6 年前

Components are that bad, but if the vortex or one of the new cool things is components that are super expensive then I’m going to lose it! It so hard to get components for the good stuff and I understand that that’s the whole point, but at least make it reasonably hard to get it. It so hard to get dash bot components and I don’t want another item that’s also almost impossible to get. Just like most people, I too believe that the shocktrain needs a lil nerf. I can’t wait for the vortex to come out, I’m loving all of the new stuff! Getting this game is the best decision I have ever made.

Duyern6 年前

BTW: To all of you sexist guys out there, this girl probably has more skill than you could dream of. I’m a male so don’t think I’m some sort of feminist or whatever, but girl gamers can be just as good as boy gamers. The gender shouldn’t separate us, the skill should. So don’t be some smack talking noob like burningarrow. I only see gamers as noob, casual, and pro. You should respect the hard working gamers.

Duyern6 年前

Rose, you are a damn boss at this game. I’ve been playing for about as long as you (maybe a tad bit longer) and I haven’t made it to the champion leagues yet. I also haven’t spent thousands of dollars on this game like everyone up there. I respect you so much for not using anything but griffins and no component items! I’m gonna get to the top like you one day, cause eventually I’ll be able to lvl up my items faster and not get destroyed by all these damn shocktrain dashbots. I hope that you keep playing this game, maybe one day we will face each other. You are an AMAZING gamer. I would be honored to be in your guild, but ya know... it’s an all female one. I know you will forget this by the time you start playing again, but my nickname is Duyern so if you ever see me in battle, know that you destroyed a big fan! Keep being amazing Rose, keep being amazing...

Duyern6 年前

The strider just looks kinda like a way cooler vityaz. I’m assuming that if it’s added it’ll have less hp and be able to jump or dash or charge or something interesting like that. That yellow and purple not at the top looks really awesome. I always love the concept art, too. This has been my favorite game for years. I’ve only ever uninstalled it to make a noob account and mess around for a bit. This game is freakin awesome and thank you so much for making the gust, cause now I know what to put on my storm rhino!

Duyern6 年前

It’s funny how a lot of people think the dash robots are way too powerful. They seem pretty balanced to me and I don’t even have one. They only seem OP because people spending lots of money are gettin mk 2 lvl 12 dash bots when they’re way down in the gold and diamond leagues. If you’re like me and you’re in diamond league and your average item lvl is about 8, it’s annoying having super high lvl dash bots around. They only seem OP because they’re way higher lvl than your stuff. If you had a bunch of lvl 9 stuff and you dropped down around the bottom 3 leagues, then some people might feel your robot is way too powerful. Not because it’s unbalanced, but because there’s a huge lvl gap between your stuff and theirs. If you fought some dash bots with regular ones at equal lvl, it will be much more fair. I do agree that the dash robots might need a little nerf, so don’t think I like them very much. Think about perspective. Sorry about the long comment, have a great day!

Duyern6 年前

Lol, thanks for the shocktrain nerf. I’m laughing so hard right thinking about how sad all of the garbage shocktrain noobs are. I understand that using overpowered weapons can be super fun, but itll get boring. I hope the shocktrain gets nerfed a little bit more. Someone mentioned something about making the shocktrain shoot each individual shot in like 1.5 seconds to give people time to run. I think it would be cool to make it similar to how the tartan shoots but faster, just so that it gets balanced out. All of that damage in one hit, might as well be a heavy weapon...

Duyern5 年前

I wonder when Pixonic will rebalance their game. Currently the Ares just flattens every robot and you can’t do anything about it except run. But wait, the Ares is super fast and it usually has LOCK DOWN. The Ares gets better the bigger their pack is. Multiple Ares can kill 10+ robots while taking minimal dmg (if any at all). Yes, the Nemesis and Hades be similarly devastating, but the Ares is far better and more deadly. This is mostly because 90% of Ares players use lockdown weapons. These weapons remove all skill from WR and replace it with luck. And then there’s the goddamn last stand that pretty much allows any robot to beat any other robot. Wrap ‘em all up into one gloriously horrific package and you have something that takes 3-5 robots (working together) to kill. Sounds fun, don’t it? PIXONIC, I LOVE YOUR GAME BUT PLEASE JUST FREAKIN REBALANCE YOUR CRAP BEFORE ADDING NEW STUFF. You don’t need to add more stuff to fix WR, just tweak the equipment a little bit and problem solved. Fix the lockdown weapons by changing it from a chance into some kind of bar you have to fill (once full, you get locked down). Ares needs to be somewhere around 5-10 kph slower. It’s annoying having the most OP robot constantly sprinting around, never being able to catch it. Last stand should either be completely removed or the duration shortened. WR is an amazing game, just extremely p2w. It has gone downhill from the day the dash bots were introduced.

Duyern5 年前

This can’t be the whole update. If it is there has to be another update soon after. Don’t think I hate this update because I am very happy about these changes and now I have a chance at staying in higher leagues with lower tier equipment. I still want to see some changes to things like the ares, last stand, lockdown weapons, and maybe Ao Jun. The first three are 100% broken and OP, but the Ao Jun seems okay. I think a lot of people just fight high lvl Ao Juns leading them to think it’s OP. Either way, ares is definitely OP, as well as last stand and lockdown. I’m glad Pixonic is fixing the honor system to allow us ‘free to plays’ to stand a chance at gaining rating and honor. This is a big step in the right direction. Please don’t mess it up.

Duyern5 年前

Pixonic, you guys are adding far too many items into the game. You just need to chill right now and rebalance ur shit. It really seems like EVERYONE KNOWS WR IS BROKEN EXCEPT YOU GUYS, THE FREAKIN DEVS!

Duyern5 年前

I love the game cross out. I built a car with a big cannon on either side and it is so fun. It’s fun to built ur own car with cool guns and stuff. I haven’t played it in a few months at least, maybe I’ll look into it again. Crossout is a super fun game, highly recommend it!

Duyern6 年前

Calm down just a little. In your second paragraph the first few things might not be as easy to solve as you think. Also the lag could be your device’s fault, unless you have really good phone/tablet, in which case, yeah they need to fix that sooner than making new stuff. I don’t fully understand the conditions you’re talking about when you say ‘getting hit during stealth’. If you’re talking about being hit midair with inquis or stalker, then that’s definitely something to rage about. But if you’re talking about being a stalker and getting hit during stealth, it. IS. Possible. I sniped one at around 200-300 range with nashorns by targeting their teammate at the same level. Besides that, everything else you’re saying is pretty damn accurate. Except for the removing free token roulette spin (it’s only not free for certain things).

Duyern5 年前

I hate how you compare this game to battle Royale games. Obviously a battle Royale games isn’t pay to win, because then it would be a real battle Royale game. The whole point of a battle Royale is for everyone to start of equal and find loot during the match, so making it p2w wouldn’t make it a true battle Royale anymore. WR is much different than Fortnite, don’t you even dare compare WR to that.


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