War Robots

Fearsum Engine

Fearsum Engine6 年前

So you are creating a bot that will group players together so they can heal up... oh yes, THE STUPIDLY OVER-POWERED SHOCKTRAIN USERS ARE GOING TO LOVE YOU FOR THIS. Is this some kind of reward for the players who dumped hundreds and thousands of dollars for intentionally over powered and over priced weapons? Hey look, shocktrain users, Pixonic is now going to herd players together so you get even MORE damage and kills...

Fearsum Engine6 年前

Great! Just great... a bot that will require you to huddle together so that Shocktrains can rip all of you to shreds with even more ease.
I see this as simply a way to reward shocktrain users for spending hundreds or thousands of dollars for INTENTIONALLY OVER-POWERED WEAPONS.
So huddle up players! Spend a hundred bucks and get yourself the latest and greatest way to guarantee you'll die with your team mates quickly to Shocktrains. Don't worry, the healer bot will keep you alive long enough to double the OP Weapon, Pay to Slay - Wallet Warrior's damage totals. HURRY UP QUICK AND ALL SIX OF YOU STAND CLOSE TOGETHER! You'll heal 25 health for every 500 damage those Shocktrains do to you.
It's a bargain!

Thanks Pixonic for trying your best to make certain the game continues to spiral further out of control. Please let us know when the Atomic Wedgie Bot comes out too. Your averaging 1 bot a month now. When you going yo stop? 200 new bots? Nuclear weapons?

Fearsum Engine6 年前

Nice. They are editing my comments after posting that healer bots would simply herd players together for easier shocktrain kills. Yep, they only care about the players who spend thousands of dollars. The rest of us are cannon fodder for their prized clientelle...

Fearsum Engine6 年前

I would say I am happy about this, but after you lied to us so many times before this, I no longer have any faith in your words...
You took away matchmaking based on hangar composition. You nerfed silver to force us to purchase gold. You scolded us for using gepards, then made a new form of them, DASH BOTS, but since you were raping us for $100+ to get them, it was ok by your standards. You introduced Shocktrains knowing they were too powerful, but once again, since you were raping your customers for cash, you didn't care. You have made all new weapons and bots a pay cash ONLY to get, no more silver, gold, or wsp purchases allowed as you no longer give a damn about your product, only money. You introduced "gambling" to get items and rigged the games so they don't play by chance, but by your rigged systems that screws players. You continue to outmode older bots and weapons to force players to try and get new content. You have destroyed most clans with your greed, (and forced many hardcore fans to leave). You incorporated a matchmaking system that rewards ONLY players who have spent hundreds or thousands of dollars. And you repeatedly say, "We are listening...", when you really don't give a damn.
So, as I said, I will believe it when I see it. I have no faith in your company anymore to try and produce a good and fun game based on skill.


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